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Universal Towers Free Standing Aluminum Towers

Before ordering your tower there are a few things that need to be determined.


First the projected area of the antenna that you intend to mount (this figure is often located in the literature that comes with the antenna or on the antenna manufacturers website). Standard T.V. antennas are about two square feet in area; 6 & 10 meter beams and large T.V. antennas utilize 5 square feet; 20 & 40 meter beams utilize 9 square feet; large 20 & 40 meter beams or multiple antenna arrays utilize 18, 22, & 26 Square feet.


Second determine is any accessories are being used. Note when using a rotator add 1 square foot plus an additional square foot for mast to whichever size antenna you intend to use. 

Third choose the right Universal Tower for you application. our model numbers are simply the wind load rating followed by the tower height. For example, if your antenna calculation resulted in a tower designed for 5 square feet of wind load and you wish to be 50 foot tall, the model number you would choose would be a 5-50.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need help in determining the best tower for your needs. 

Heavy Duty Towers
(Bases Sold Separately)


Rotor Mounts

Model: R-11

Model: R-14

Model: R-18

Universal Towers Aluminum Rotor Mounts
Top Plates

Flange Mount Top Plates Available on All Top Sections

Universal Tower Top Plates

Model: 1 5/8" SC 4-B

Model: 2 1/16" SC 4-B

Bearings For Unversal Towers

1 1/4" OD x 5'

1 1/4" OD x 10'

1 1/2" OD x 10'

2" OD x 8'

2" OD x 16'

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